Founded by the desire for better, to explore further and inspire others to experience more, we have never stood still. We are committed to seeking new ways to be innovative, while minimizing the impact it has on our environment.
As we continue to inspire the next generation of adventurers, to push boundaries and challenge the norm; we invite you to be part of our sustainable journey. The path to true sustainability is a long one, but together we can play our part in protecting the environment.
We are committed to making our brand as sustainable as possible and to reduce our impact on the environment. From products and materials, to where and how we manufacture, all the way through to how we deliver the finished product to the consumer. Every stage of the supply chain has been examined to identify where improvements can be made. As a Fishing brand, we have a vested interest in ensuring our oceans, beaches and coastlines are free from damaging pollution and unsightly plastic waste.
With that in mind we are continuously looking for additional ways to reduce plastic from within our business. These include; changing all of our polybags so they are now 100% recyclable, reducing packaging on our accessories and removing single use plastics where we can, as well as reducing the weight of our plastic bags by 50%. In addition to this we have stopped supplying plastic hangers with our garments and all of our packaging, catalogs, header cards and swing tickets will be printed on recycled paper or card and will be 100% recyclable.

All our polybags are 100% recyclable.
We introduced our Corporate Code of Conduct in 2015 and we continue to work with our long-standing suppliers to ensure that they commit to safe and fair working conditions for all workers. All of our suppliers must agree to meet specific requirements and we monitor this through regular on-site social audits.
We only source down from birds that have not been live plucked, force fed or subjected to unnecessary harm. To ensure that no birds are harmed in the making of our products, 100% of the down we use is fully traceable and RDS-certified. The Responsible Down Standard (RDS) is an independent, global standard that recognizes and rewards best practices in the down and feather industry.

We create garments that can withstand whatever mother nature throws at them which often results in them lasting for a very long time. Product longevity requires durable materials which is better for the environment and reduces landfill, we continue to source product that will reduce the impact on the environment where we can.
Detailed below are some of the products within our range that are helping to do this, as well as some of the technologies we are using which also support our sustainability mission.

Products made from recycled PET plastic bottles.
Fabric & Technologies
In our existing range we already have fabrics featuring recycled plastics such as the Holcombe Crew, North Hill and Whitesands Jackets, which use polyester fibers from PET plastic bottles. Next generations of these styles are already in development and will feature even more recycled content, in fact for 2022 onwards we will use Ocean sourced plastic bottles. Other garments within the range featuring recycled insulation include the OS Insulated Jacket and OS Salopettes.